With more than 700 ha. privately owned, this mountain comprises the entire village, meadows, forests and high ports of the town of L.lindes. It includes the summit of Peña Rueda and the pasturelands of Maín and has a wooded area of more than 400 ha, predominating beech masses and much less oak.
With 6,959 ha, this is an administrative unit without a population that is managed jointly by four municipalities: Ruente, Cabuérniga, Los Tojos and Hermandad de Campoo de Suso, with a Board of Directors, which is chaired by one of the mayors of the municipalities co-owners of this territory. It is located in the forest region 4 "Cabuérniga" managed by the Forestry Section II "Saja - Besaya" of the government of Cantabria.
The forest of "Cogolla and Loureda" is a mountain owned by the City of Tineo, which is located in the vicinity of Navelgas and whose management is agreed with the Government of Asturias.
The mountain "Cordal de Coaña" appears in the Catalog of Forests of Public Utility with the number 366. It is property of the City council of Coaña with a surface of 506,16 has and is managed by the Government of Asturias.
The Liébana-Nansa PORF defines the inspiring principles that should be assumed in the management of 96,000 ha of forest in western Cantabria.
The Sierra de Pesoz mountains; Sierra de Sanzo, Seran and Pelorde, together with the Sierra de Fontela, Cela, Santa Cruz and Carriles, represent a total of 2,130 hectares of forest belonging to the Town Council of Pesoz, managed by agreement with the Government of Asturias.
The mountain "Granda de Oliz", is a mount of public utility property of the City council of Proaza, that appears in the Catalog of Mounts of U.P. with nº 302. The management of this mount of 526.10 ha corresponds to the Government of Asturias.